Papers Submission 2023


Papers Submission - starting October 20, 2022

 Use the link below to upload your paper    

Important: Before you submit, see format, samples, and templates  at or or 

Do not use capital letters only in the title and the names and any part of the submission process. Also, see Format of the paper and samples)

NOTE: On the submission form, in Comments to Chair:   Indicate the number of your registration, after you register (see applicable deadlines)

The complete title of your paper;   the listing of the main author and all coauthors.  Specify  the name of the presenting author and specify the language of presentation:  Parallel/Independent sessions in English (official lang.), and also separate sessions with presentations in Korean (host) and Spanish. 

For the presenting author please initially  indicate information below.

-          I will be presenting the paper in person in Incheon (Songdo), Korea     YES (and travelling from …….. / NO

-          I will be presenting the paper virtually      YES   / NO

-          I did not decide yet but most likely ………  .  Please provide the final answer at the time of registration



Please note, as posted on our web pages:  (1) Registration required for the inclusion of submitted papers in the program and their publication. (2) Registration deadlines as posted.

After the deadline submissions will be considered on one by one basis and subject to time constraints.

 (Do not wait, submit your paper now due to needed (required from us) completion of the reviews)

See you in Incheon (Songdo), Korea one way or another as stated (virtually or in person)  

Any questions, please contact us.

